Friday, February 10, 2006

Post-election insights

1:30PM: I think I need to make a brief statement on Harper's first couple of days as PM. Wow - nice work on the Emerson and Fortier appointments Stephen!

So the guy who talked so much trash about ethics and open government and accountability and an elected Senate appoints his campaign co-chair to be the Minister responsible for the department that was involved in the Sponsorship scandal? That is awesome, and to their credit, the media appears to have come out of their drug-induced love affair with Mr. Harper during
the campaign and is taking him to task on this, and the Emerson issue.

Don't even get me started on the Emerson switcheroo - and don't try to say it is like Belinda and Brison's defections, those were over 'policy differences' and 'the rampant anti-homesexual views of the Conservative caucus'. Emerson actually said that if Martin had won he would still be a Liberal. Pardon me? So David, what you are saying it is not a policy reason, but a power reason.

Announcing the new Minister of Internal Contradictions for the NDP, David Emerson! David, any party that you would not take a cabinet post for? The Natural Law party perhaps?

And now he is whining about how he should never have entered politics in the first place - ummm, I agree, if you have no 'principles' or 'backbone' or do not care about 'issues' you are right, you should have stayed in your cushy job cutting down BC forests.
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