Monday, January 23, 2006

Moley - one day to go

5:45PM - Well folks, not much left to do here than get the vote out tommorow. So I am heading out to an undisclosed riding to make sure my candidate is victorious. Get out and vote cuz the mole told ya so. Moles everywhere - tunneling our way to victory!

3:45PM - Wandering around, not many people here, most people are out in the ridings pulling vote and all that. Guess I should be doing that as well, but the mole is fairly useless out on the hustings. What would I leak?

3:30PM - Now that was pretty fast. Awake, showered and to the war room in 13 minutes. Ah no, forgot my pants again. Dang it.

3:17PM - Oh no, it is the day before the election, and I just woke up!Crap - need to get to the war room quickly and leak some majorstuff...Hmmm, what could there be lying around?


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